Featured Course

INST02 Thriving as a Digital, Hybrid or Flex Model Teacher – explore a variety of models, strategies and best practices. Customize training to meet district needs.

Arizona Teachers can find complementary resources and training sessions at our Arizona Virtual Teacher Institute.

Hybrid Teacher and Students

Customize professional development for your teachers.

We offer online or in-person sessions designed to help your teachers thrive in the virtual and blended learning environments. Professional development topics include instructional support, content development, and technology. To discuss a customized training for your school, schedule a call with one of our school partnership representatives.


Explore our flexible training options.

Sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Thriving as a Digital, Hybrid or Flex Model Teacher
  • Best Practices in Online Instruction
  • Blended Learning Models
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Teacher Wellness

Leverage the flexibility of online learning for your staff.

Sync Sessions

Live webinars offered 4 days a week throughout the school year. 

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On-Demand Video and Resources

Watch previous webinars, and access learning content, readings, and other materials for just-in-time support.

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Professional Learning Communities

We facilitate training and dialogue that allows teachers to connect and share best practices.

Resource Hub for Teacher and Systems Leaders

ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College curates free online leadership resources that address key instructional and managerial challenges faced by schools.

Customized School-Based Sessions

Choose from a menu of teacher training sessions that will address your specific local needs. Available 5 days a week, plus Saturday.

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Leadership Huddles for School and System Leaders

Mount rapid responses using expert peer insight. ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College facilitates regular, fast-moving virtual meetings for systems and school leaders to share right-now challenges and crowd-source solutions.

Below is a sample of sessions that can be customized to meet your needs.

Woman Teacher

Introduction to Blended Learning

In this series, you’ll learn how to use in-person teaching methods with online learning technology to create a powerful and personalized blended learning experience.

  • Overview: Introduction to Blended Learning
  • Strategy Session: Personalized Learning
  • Strategy Session: Flipped Classroom
  • Strategy Session: Playlists & HyperDocs
  • Strategy Session: Station Rotations
  • Strategy Session: Collaboration Tools & Engagement
Man Teacher

Ed Tech Tool “Power Hour”

Join us for an in-depth look at an educational technology tool and how it engages learners. We will provide an overview of how to use the tool, examples of implementation across grade levels, and give you an opportunity to try it out for yourself. Tech topics include tools for student engagement, collaboration, assessment, presentations and expanding classroom walls, like Virtual Field Trips.

Woman Teacher

Thriving as a Digital Teacher

Online education is here to stay. In this series, you’ll learn how to translate your teaching experience to an online environment and thrive as a digital instructor. 

  • Session 1 – Best Practices for Online Teaching & Learning 
  • Session 2 – Resources for Ensuring Quality Online Courses & Teaching (NSQ, Quality Matters)
  • Session 3 – Best Practices for Engagement in Synchronous Instruction 
  • Session 4 – Best Practices for Engagement in Asynchronous Instruction 
  • Session 5 – Academic Integrity & Discussion Based Assessments
  • Session 6 – Tech Tools for Engagement, Collaboration and Assessment
  • Session 7 – Blended Learning + Hybrid Models Part 1
  • Session 8 – Blended Learning + Hybrid Models Part 2
Man Teacher

Saturday Workshop

Dive in deeper with a 2-hour session that includes time to work on a product, artifact, or tool you can immediately apply in the classroom. Example topics include: 

  • Elevating Student Engagement
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Promoting Equity and Access
  • Equipping Students for Success
  • Intro to Google Classroom
Women Teachers

Leadership Focus

Join experts from ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and colleagues from across the state to explore what educator teams look like (or could look like!) in virtual and blended instructional environments. Example topics include: 

  • Educator Teams in Virtual and Blended Environments
  • New Educator Roles


Joanna Murray
Joanna Murray

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful strategies and tips!! I am so excited to bring so many of them to the classroom this school year.

Heather Yordy
Heather Yordy

I just want to express additional gratitude for the training today. I signed up for the July session because I thought, ‘you’ll be getting back into school mode,’ but I haven’t been. Last year was challenging and exhausting. As I’ve thought about going back to school, I’ve just felt tired. Today’s focus on the students, the community, brought me right back to my ‘why.’ Thank you. This is EXACTLY what I need to get my heart back into alignment. Looking forward to the work this afternoon and the next few days of learning!

Sara Zion
Sara Zion

Thank you for creating a welcoming and engaging space for me to learn. I felt very respected and comfortable. I appreciate your kindness, patience, and positivity.

How do I learn more about Teacher Training?

To learn more about all our professional development offerings or to discuss a customized training for your school, contact one of our school partnership representatives.