Frequently Asked Questions


How difficult is it for students to navigate Canvas?
Like any new technology platform, it is expected that students may need support as they begin their course. Teachers will help guide students during the live lesson through the content and expectations of the course. In addition, the Learning Success Coach will play a major role in helping students learn how to submit assignments and access resources within their course. Canvas continues to become more user friendly and incorporates icons to represent different types of content. In addition, we streamline our ASUPD content within Canvas so that students have consistency in the platform and are able to build familiarity with the system quickly.
Do you survey students to get a sense of engagement? What’s working for them in a digital environment?
Yes, we send out teacher and LSC surveys one time per semester to obtain student and family feedback. We use this feedback to learn more about what our students need and to continue to grow our practice and increase student and family satisfaction and learning. Other informal surveys and conversations are conducted by ASUPD teachers and LSCs throughout the semester to gauge student interest and seek feedback.
Do you offer credit recovery?
Our courses are built to be College Preparatory, so while not a credit recovery curriculum, some of our courses offer targeted remediation pathways for learners who need it.
What does adaptive mean?
ASU Prep Digital defines adaptive curriculum as any course that provides a unique path and experience for each student. In some courses technology adapts the path based on student behavior and performance. In other courses, data is provided that allows teachers to personalize and curate the learning experience.
How many hours per week are students expected to work in each course?
There is a different time commitment for each learner because students progress at their own pace. As an average expectation, students should allow 5 hours per course, per week.
Are we able to remove full lessons from your curriculum?
Yes this is possible. Schools often customize the curriculum to meet their needs.
Can we augment the curriculum to add our own assignments?
Yes! Our learning management system allows you to intuitively add assignments, assessments and supplemental materials to the course content.
Can you provide scope and sequences for all courses?
Yes, please ask your school partnership contact.
What is your course build pedagogy?
For our new course releases, we develop our courses using Understanding by Design's framework and utilizing a discovery learning approach. We also leverage immediate feedback to redirect a student towards understanding and transfer of learning. To learn more, please watch this Two-Minute Course Tour video.
Can the courses work in any LMS?
Our courses can be hosted in most modern learning management systems, including Canvas, Buzz, D2L, Moodle, Schoology, Blackboard, Edmodo, Google Classroom, etc.
How are the courses hosted?
ASU Prep Digital hosts courses in the Canvas learning management system, but our curriculum can be loaded into any school’s LMS.

Learning Success Coach

In what models are students supported by LSCs?
Brick and mortar, hybrid, and full-time online students are all supported by LSCs.
How do you recruit an LSC?
We recruit LSCs through word of mouth and in our existing network and faculty connections. We are very much embedded in the ASU community, as well as the broader K12 community. We frequently have individuals that recommend this program to a student and then wind up wanting to work in that space. ASUPD seeks candidates who often have a background in counseling or teaching.
Is an LSC full time or part time?
LSCs are full time staff members.
Does the LSC have a tie-back to the brick and mortar school? Is there some alignment there?
Yes, the LSC has a close relationship with the local school administrator or facilitator and has the ability to send grade updates and course progress as needed. In addition, the LSC will reach out to the brick and mortar school to seek additional support or insight when needed. We also encourage local schools to keep an open line of communication to alert the LSC of critical student information when needed.
Does the price change if we decide we don’t want an LSC?
We can work creatively with our partnerships to meet the needs of the school and develop a customized package of services.
What is a Learning Success Coach?
A learning success coach is a learner’s individualized support while enrolled at ASU Prep Digital. Even our part time students are assigned an LSC. Learning success coaches monitor progress, connect with students’ goals and support learning needs.

Online Teaching

What does the teacher role look like in an online environment?
The teacher role in an online environment vs a brick and mortar school is very different. Our teachers are not juggling the synchronous needs of 30 students, 5 times a day. This leaves more time for teachers to ensure that each and every student has a personalized pathway to success in their class. At ASUPD we have a variety of different learners and thus, have a different strategy for each student. Some students join every lesson and are pretty independent. The communication with these students looks a bit different than a student that may be struggling and needs daily contact from their teacher. Since these students are not getting the big group experience as much, the teacher is able to focus their time on personalizing support for each student.
What does a teacher’s schedule look like when they are not in a live lesson?
Teachers spend their days conducting one-on-one calls, completing DBAs with their students, providing asynchronous feedback on assignments, and meeting with small groups. Teachers also spend time progress-monitoring, customizing pace plans with struggling students, and building relationships with their students and families. They are also coordinating with learning facilitators and LSCs to get extra touchpoints with their students on Zoom when possible.


What are the technical requirements and materials needed?
The following items are suggested for all courses: 
  • earbuds 
  • webcam
  • printout of course pace chart and syllabus
  • calendar/planner
  • pencils and college ruled paper for students who would like to take written notes
There are a few materials and downloads needed for particular courses (mainly electives) and a tech and materials spec document can be requested for any course. Devices (We recommend devices less than 5 years old)
  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Chromebook
  • Microphone and webcam
Operating Systems
  • Windows 10 and newer
  • Mac OSX 10.6 and newer
  • Linux
  • ChromeOS
Internet Speed
  • High speed internet (recommended)
Supported Browsers
  • Chrome(latest version)(recommended)
  • Edge (latest version)
  • Safari (latest version)
  • Firefox (latest version)
Supported Browser Plugins and Settings
  • Javascript enabled
  • Flash - latest version is recommended
  • 1024x768 is recommended
  • Pop-up blockers should be disabled
  • Cookies should be enabled.
Virtual Reality (VR) /Augmented Reality (AR) Some courses have Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences which are best viewed with devices that are AR/VR enabled. These experiences can have large file sizes and it is recommended that they are downloaded over wi-fi. Minimum Devices:
  • iPhones 5S
  • Samsung Galaxy S5
  • Newer VR/AR enabled devices (Recommended)
Please contact for further assistance.
What is the difference between concurrent enrollment and dual enrollment?
Our concurrent courses are similar to dual enrollment in that learners can receive both high school and college credit but our concurrent courses are actual university course curriculum taught by ASU faculty members.
What student information system does ASU Prep Digital use?
Starting in Summer 2020 Session 2 all of our students will be in Infinite Campus.
What Learning Management System does ASU Prep Digital use?
Our full-time students operate in Canvas but our curriculum is LMS agnostic so it can be imported into any platform.
How does ASU Prep Digital partner with schools?
  • Teaching - We can help fill staffing gaps with online instruction from experienced, certified high school teachers and ASU professors.
  • Online Course Licensing - We offer 40+ high school and 200+ university online courses for use with your teachers or ours. Explore our course catalog or take a two-minute course tour.
  • Training and professional development - We offer face-to-face and web-based professional development on blended learning and virtual instruction.