Start Your Own Microschool

ASU Prep Microschool Entrepreneur Fellowship

Applications are currently closed. We anticipate launching another cohort in 2024-2025 school year. To be notified when it opens, please fill out the contact form.

If you have an innovative idea for a microschool focused on K–12 learners ASU Prep can help you get started. This year-long fellowship program will give you access to robust training, proven curriculum resources, teaching methodologies, and ongoing support.

Parents, educators, existing school leaders and entrepreneurs are eligible to apply.

The Yass Prize Semifinalist

The fellowship includes:

  1. Education policy and regulations: Training on local and state licensing requirements, accreditation, and potential funding sources.
  2. Space Design: Consultation on how to find and design an amazing space to maximize student outcomes and create a sense of community.
  3. Pedagogy and Instructional Design: Training on how to use innovative teaching strategies and instructional design principles to create effective learning experiences.
  4. Curriculum: Scope and sequence recommendations, curriculum and adaptive tool consultations/recommendations.
  5. Monitoring & Evaluation: Training and tools on how to conduct needs assessments, create a project-based curriculum, and measure student progress.
  1. Hiring & Recruitment Support: Templates, job descriptions, tips, and marketing resources to help recruit teachers and students.
  2. Funding & Pricing Structures: Consultation on how to price your offering and where to secure capital, philanthropic or otherwise, ESA opportunities, etc.
  3. Leadership Training: Support understanding your leadership style and how to effectively lead others as you build your microschool.
  4. Professional Development: Once operational, all teachers will have access to ASU Prep teacher training and ongoing professional development.
  5. Networking opportunities: Networking with other education entrepreneurs and experts in the field to create a community of practice around your work..

Fellowship Format

3-Day Founders Retreat

All Fellows will attend a 3-day retreat in Tempe, AZ to help jump-start your microschool, connect with other founders, and receive intensive training.

Monthly Coaching Calls

All Fellows will have the opportunity to join a standing monthly coaching call with ASU Prep Staff and other fellows to share best practices and help solve challenges.

Monthly Teacher Professional Development

All teachers of the microschool will have access to monthly professional development to ensure the effective use and deployment of curriculum and tools.

Curriculum & Adaptive Tools Consultation

Custom consultation on purchasing of adaptive tech tools and curriculum to meet the individual needs of the microschool founder and model.



Stand Together TrustThanks to the generous contribution of Stand Together Trust, up to 20 fellows will be granted complimentary access to this program. Spots are limited, apply now! 

Note: Fellows are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses for the 3-Day Founders Retreat in Tempe, AZ and any other related activities. Very limited funds are available for those who need financial assistance. Please indicate on your application if you will need this type of support and we will grant it on a case-by-case basis.


Apply Now

Applications are currently closed. We anticipate launching another cohort in 2024-2025 school year. To be notified when it opens, please fill out the contact form.

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