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Founding Member

Nothern Cass School District
Partners with ASU Prep

The leadership at Northern Cass School District partnered with ASU Prep Global to implement a global academy which expanded the online course offerings, providing students and families with more flexible education options. 

Students coloring

Leading with

A world-class education is what Northern Cass School District in North Dakota promises to provide for every K-12 student. They wanted to build the next generation of leaders by equipping them with the tools they need to be successful, and empower them to make positive choices for the future. So when it came time to explore a digital tool for their mission, they reached out to ASU Prep Global to implement a global academy that helped elevate their efforts. 

Equipped with a K-12 online curriculum for distance learning, customized lessons, university courses, teacher training, and curriculum management, students and teachers are set up for long-term success inside and outside the classroom.  

“Since adding ASU Prep Global as a close partner, I’ve seen kids take control of their education and advocate for themselves. They’re developing a broader skill set that wouldn’t have been possible without our global academy.”

Cory Steiner

Dr. Cory Steiner

Superintendent of Schools, Northern Cass School District

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How We Partnered

ASU Prep and Northern Cass School District worked together to build a digital school program with nearly 200 students participating in courses like algebra, biology, chemistry, geometry, and more.

Digital Course Licensing

Digital Course Licensing

We license a variety of K-12 and university courses, designed to be delivered online for digital or blended learning. Core, electives, CTE, etc.

Professional Development

Professional Development

Our customized online or in-person training helps teachers thrive when adopting new digital, blended, and tech-rich instructional practices.

Students competing

Students with pumpkins

Partnership News

Students learning
Lisa Edgar, Chief Partnership Officer Lisa Edgar

Explore the Benefits

Whether your school needs digital curriculum, access to college credit or online instructors to fill in staffing gaps, we’re here to help. We work closely with K-12 schools around the world to provide educational pathways that lead to new models and student success.