Founding Member

ASU Prep Partner Canyons School District

Since 2009, Canyons School District has strived to give their students the tools and foundation they need to be successful, from elementary school to high school and beyond. Through our partnership, ASU Prep Global implemented a digital education solution for a K-12 online curriculum that sets every student and teacher up for success.


Leading with

As one of the largest districts in Utah, Canyons School District has spent years building an educational environment that blends cutting-edge technology and distance learning solutions. When it came time to develop the next generation of online learning solutions, they turned to ASU Prep Global.

Together, we launched a digital education solution for students and teachers that included online courses and curriculum, learning management systems, and teacher training. This took the guesswork out of day-to-day planning and allowed teachers to focus on building relationships and spending extra time with their students. With their K-12 digital courses in place, students are getting the personalized attention they need to set them up for long-term success.

“[Education] has always been one-size-fits-all. If the pandemic has done anything, it’s allowed parents and students to see an opportunity to reimagine the future. It opens up a world of possibilities.”


Dr. Rick L. Robins

Superintendent of Canyons School District


How We Partnered

Other Partnership Opportunities
Global Academy

Global Academy

Our expert digital teachers provide online instruction for grades 6-12 to help schools address staffing gaps, special needs and acceleration demands.

University Courses

University Courses

We offer high school students the chance to earn university credit and accelerate their pathway to college and careers.

Professional Development

Professional Development

Our customized online or in-person training helps teachers thrive when adopting new digital, blended, and tech-rich instructional practices.

Construction workers

Canyons School District graduation

Partnership News

Students learning
Lisa Edgar, Chief Partnership Officer Lisa Edgar

Explore the Benefits

Whether your school needs digital curriculum, access to college credit or online instructors to fill in staffing gaps, we’re here to help. We work closely with K-12 schools around the world to provide educational pathways that lead to new models and student success.